Enable login items

Enable this group policy to open frequently used items such as applications, folders, or server connections when the user logs in.

To add a login item, click "Add button" of "Login items" list and enter the item's path, for example /Applications/TextEdit.app. For any item you don't want the user to see right away, select its Hide checkbox. The application remains open but its windows and menu bar remain hidden until the user activates the application (for example, by clicking its icon in the Dock).

To add a network share, click "Add button" of "Network share" list and enter the URL, for example smb://server/share.

The following network shares are valid:


- Authenticate selected share point with user's login name and password

Check this option to automatically connect the user to the share with user's login name and password. If uncheck this optioin. Network share name needs to comply with RFC1738 - Uniform Resource Locators (URL), which means special characters need to be encoded, for example need to use %20 instead of space.

If the network share can be authenticated using Kerberos, then this option can be ignored. If the network share cannot be authenticated using Kerberos, then user will be prompted for user name and password if this option is unchecked.

If a different user name is specified in the network share, then checking this option will mount the share as the login user, while unchecking this option will mount the share as the user specified in network share.

For example, if network share is smb://mount_user:password@server/share, and login user is login_user, then checking the option will mount the share as login_user, while unchecking the option will mount the share as mount_user.

- User may add and remove additional items:
If you don't want users to have the ability to add and remove items, deselect this option. Users can't remove items added to the login items list but they can remove items they've added themselves.

- User may press Shift to keep items from opening:
If selected, user can stop login items from opening by holding down the Shift key during login until the Finder appears on the desktop. To prevent users from stopping applications that open automatically at login, deselect this option.

- Add network home share point:
Providing access to user's AD network home directory which is the attribute specified in AD homeDirectory attribute.

Once enabled, this group policy takes effect when users log out and back in.

Supported on:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\MacMCX\LoginItems
Value NameEnableLoginItems
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Login items:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\MacMCX\LoginItems\Items
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
Network share:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\MacMCX\LoginItems\URL
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
Add network home share point
Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\MacMCX\LoginItems
Value NameMCX-NetworkHomeDirectoryItem
Default Value0
True Value1
False Value0
User may add and remove additional items
Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\MacMCX\LoginItems
Value NameLoginUserMayAddItems
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
User may press Shift to keep items from opening
Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\MacMCX\LoginItems
Value NameDisableLoginItemsSuppression
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value0
True Value0
False Value1


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)