Enable Rlogin Control Sftp
Specifies whether to allow sftp access on AIX when set 'rlogin = false' for normal user.
Note that ssh root login will never respect either 'rlogin' or 'RloginControlSftp' settings, instead, it's controlled by 'PermitRootLogin' in sshd_config.
Also note that the sshd_config setting 'AllowUsers' will always prevail the AIX 'rlogin' settings, e.g., if user is listed in first, it will be still permitted login even when latter is set as 'false'.
This option is only supported in Centrify OpenSSH since version 7.2p2-5.4.0.
Supported on:
Registry Hive | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Centrify\ssh |
Value Name | RloginControlSftp |
Value Type | REG_SZ |
Enabled Value | yes |
Disabled Value | no |