Disable Kerberos built-in ccselect plugins

This policy controls whether adclient should disable Kerberos built-in ccselect plugins.

If you select Enabled for this group policy, adclient will disable all ccselect built-in plugins in "plugins" section of krb5.conf file when group policy "Manage Kerberos configuration" is configured to Enabled.

This group policy modifies the krb5.conf.plugins.ccselect.disable setting in the Centrify DirectControl configuration file.

The default value is true when it is not configured.

Supported on:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\Kerberos
Value Namekrb5.conf.plugins.ccselect.disable
Value TypeREG_SZ
Enabled Valuetrue
Disabled Valuefalse

Skip items whose partial path matches

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\Kerberos
Value Name{number}
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)