Enable this group policy to specify multiple scripts to run automatically when a user logs in.
Scripts run simultaneously in no specific order.
Create scripts and put them in \\
- Script:
Enter a script name, which is relative to the path:
Specify: login.sh
To execute: \\
Specify: sub/login.sh (or sub\login.sh)
To execute: \\
- Parameters:
Enter arguments to pass to the script, which are interpreted the same way as in a UNIX shell, i.e., use space as a delimiter, and backslash as an escape character. You can also use $USER to represent the current user's name. For example:
arg1 arg2 arg3
arg1 'a r g 2' arg3
arg\' $USER
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\Mac\Scripts |
Value Name | EnableMultipleLoginScripts |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Enabled Value | 1 |
Disabled Value | 0 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Centrify\CentrifyDC\Settings\Mac\Scripts\LoginScripts |
Value Name | {number} |
Value Type | REG_SZ |
Default Value |