Checked: Removes associated items from the list "Automatically record these items". | Unchecked: Leaves the associated items in the list "Automatically record these items".
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\E-mail Message |
Value Name | AutoJournaled |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Default Value | 1 |
True Value | 0 |
False Value | 1 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Cancellation |
Value Name | AutoJournaled |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Default Value | 1 |
True Value | 0 |
False Value | 1 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Request |
Value Name | AutoJournaled |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Default Value | 1 |
True Value | 0 |
False Value | 1 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Response |
Value Name | AutoJournaled |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Default Value | 1 |
True Value | 0 |
False Value | 1 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Task Request |
Value Name | AutoJournaled |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Default Value | 1 |
True Value | 0 |
False Value | 1 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Task Response |
Value Name | AutoJournaled |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Default Value | 1 |
True Value | 0 |
False Value | 1 |