Modal Trust Decision Only

This policy setting controls how Access 2007 notifies users about untrusted components.

If you enable this policy setting, when users attempt to open an untrusted Access 2007 database that contains user-programmed executable components, users see a dialog box where they then must choose whether to enable or disable the components before they can work with the database.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, when users open an untrusted Access 2007 database that contains user-programmed executable components, Access opens the database with the components disabled and displays the Message Bar with a warning that database content has been disabled. Users can inspect the contents of the database, but cannot use any disabled functionality until they enable it by clicking Options on the Message Bar and selecting the appropriate action.

Supported on: At least Windows Vista

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security
Value NameModalTrustDecisionOnly
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)