Set the recommended locales for a public session

Sets one or more recommended locales for a public session, allowing users to easily choose one of these locales.

The user can choose a locale and a keyboard layout before starting a public session. By default, all locales supported by Google Chrome OS are listed in alphabetic order. You can use this policy to move a set of recommended locales to the top of the list.

If this policy is not set, the current UI locale will be pre-selected.

If this policy is set, the recommended locales will be moved to the top of the list and will be visually separated from all other locales. The recommended locales will be listed in the order in which they appear in the policy. The first recommended locale will be pre-selected.

If there is more than one recommended locale, it is assumed that users will want to select among these locales. Locale and keyboard layout selection will be prominently offered when starting a public session. Otherwise, it is assumed that most users will want to use the pre-selected locale. Locale and keyboard layout selection will be less prominently offered when starting a public session.

When this policy is set and automatic login is enabled (see the |DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginId| and |DeviceLocalAccountAutoLoginDelay| policies), the automatically started public session will use the first recommended locale and the most popular keyboard layout matching this locale.

The pre-selected keyboard layout will always be the most popular layout matching the pre-selected locale.

This policy can only be set as recommended. You can use this policy to move a set of recommended locales to the top but users are always allowed to choose any locale supported by Google Chrome OS for their session.

Supported on: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Set the recommended locales for a public session

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS\SessionLocales
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)