Sets a list of data leak prevention rules.

Configures a list of rules to prevent data leak on Google Chrome OS.
Data leak can happen by copying and pasting data, transferring files, printing, screensharing, or taking screenshots ...etc.

Each rule consists of the following:
- A list of sources defined as URLs. Any data in the sources will be considered confidential data, to which the restrictions will be applied.
- A list of destinations defined as URLs or components, to which the confidential data is either allowed or disallowed to be shared.
- A list of restrictions to be applied on the data of the sources.

Rules can be added to:
- Control the clipboard data shared between the sources and the destinations.
- Control taking screenshots of any of the sources.
- Control printing of any of the sources.
- Control the privacy screen when any of the sources is visible.
- Control screen sharing of any of the sources.

The restriction level can be set to BLOCK, ALLOW, REPORT.
- If the restriction level is set to BLOCK, the action won't be allowed. If DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled is set to True, the blocked action will be reported to the admin.
- If the resriction level is set to ALLOW, the action will be allowed.
- If the resriction level is set to REPORT and DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled is set to True, the action will be reported to the admin.

- PRIVACY_SCREEN restriction doesn't block the ability to turn on privacy screen, but enforces it when the restriction class is set to BLOCK.
- Destinations cannot be empty in case one of the restrictions is CLIPBOARD, but they don't make any difference for the remaining restrictions.
- Format the URL patterns according to this format ( ).

If the policy is left not set, no restrictions will be applied.
See for more information about schema and formatting.

Example value:

"name": "Support agent work flows",
"description": "Allow copy and paste for work purposes but block screenshots, screen share and printing",
"sources": {
"urls": [
"destinations": {
"urls": [
"restrictions": [
"class": "CLIPBOARD",
"level": "ALLOW"
"class": "SCREENSHOT",
"level": "BLOCK"
"class": "PRINTING",
"level": "BLOCK"
"class": "PRIVACY_SCREEN",
"level": "BLOCK"
"class": "SCREEN_SHARE",
"level": "REPORT"
"name": "Non agent work flows",
"description": "Block copy and paste from work flows to other sites and external drives",
"sources": {
"urls": [
"destinations": {
"urls": [
"components": [
"restrictions": [
"class": "CLIPBOARD",
"level": "BLOCK"

Supported on: At least Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 family

Sets a list of data leak prevention rules. (The single-line field is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please start using the multi-line textbox below.)

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
Value NameDataLeakPreventionRulesList
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
Value NameDataLeakPreventionRulesList
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)