Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints from insecure contexts.

List of URL patterns. Private network requests initiated from insecure websites served by matching origins are allowed.

If unset, this policy behaves as if set to the empty list.

For origins not covered by the patterns specified here, the global default value will be used either from the InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed policy, if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.

Note that this policy only affects insecure origins, so secure origins (e.g. included in this list will be ignored.

For detailed information on valid URL patterns, please see

Example value:

Supported on: At least Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 family

Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints from insecure contexts.

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS\InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)