Configure the automatic timezone detection method

When this policy is set, automatic time zone detection flow will be in one of the following ways depending on the value of the setting:

If set to TimezoneAutomaticDetectionUsersDecide, users would be able to control automatic time zone detection using normal controls in chrome://settings.

If set to TimezoneAutomaticDetectionDisabled, automatic time zone controls in chrome://settings will be disabled. Automatic time zone detection will always be off.

If set to TimezoneAutomaticDetectionIPOnly, time zone controls in chrome://settings will be disabled. Automatic time zone detection will always be on. Time zone detection will use IP-only method to resolve location.

If set to TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendWiFiAccessPoints, time zone controls in chrome://settings will be disabled. Automatic time zone detection will always be on. The list of visible Wi-Fi access points will always be sent to Geolocation API server for fine-grained time zone detection.

If set to TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendAllLocationInfo, time zone controls in chrome://settings will be disabled. Automatic time zone detection will always be on. Location information (such as Wi-Fi access points, reachable mobile masts, GPS) will be sent to a server for fine-grained time zone detection.

If this policy is not set, it will behave as if TimezoneAutomaticDetectionUsersDecide is set.

If SystemTimezone policy is set, it overrides this policy. In this case automatic time zone detection is completely disabled.

Supported on: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Configure the automatic timezone detection method

  1. Let users decide
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. Never auto-detect timezone
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  3. Always use coarse timezone detection
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  4. Always send WiFi access-points to server while resolving timezone
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  5. Always send any available location signals to the server while resolving time zone
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection
    Value TypeREG_DWORD


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)