Set the default state of high contrast mode on the login screen

Set the default state of the high contrast mode accessibility feature on the login screen.

If this policy is set to true, high contrast mode will be enabled when the login screen is shown.

If this policy is set to false, high contrast mode will be disabled when the login screen is shown.

If you set this policy, users can temporarily override it by enabling or disabling high contrast mode. However, the user's choice is not persistent and the default is restored whenever the login screen is shown anew or the user remains idle on the login screen for a minute.

If this policy is left unset, high contrast mode is disabled when the login screen is first shown. Users can enable or disable high contrast mode at any time and its status on the login screen is persisted between users.

Supported on: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
Value NameDeviceLoginScreenDefaultHighContrastEnabled
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)