Bad Name Cache Enabled

Establishing a bad server name cache can correct performance problems caused by delays in attempting to locate resources which are not findable by the Novell Client. Set this value to 1 to enable the Bad Name Cache. The Novell Client reads the bad name cache from the registry during the system initialization and blocks any login attempts by the Novell Client to any server name listed. The asterisk wildcard is supported. For example for the server named "SLES10SP4?, the whole string can be provided in the registry or a wildcard can be used, such that an entry of "SLES10*" will block all the servers followed by SLES10, such as SLES10SP4, SLES10SP5, etc. This setting is available in Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows (IR8) and later.

See TID 7015227.

Supported on: Novell Client 2 SP3

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Novell\Client\Parameters
Value NameBadNameCacheEnabled
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Default is 'Off'.

novell client 2 sp3 for windows adm.admx

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