Use NMAS for Windows Logon Default

Determines the initial state of the "Use NMAS for Windows Logon" check box. Possible values include:

0: Automatic
1: Last Used
2: Always
3: Never

-- 'Automatic': The Novell Client will select this check box by default if the NMAS has been configured to enforce use of NMAS for Windows logons. If NESCM is not configured to be enforced, the behavior of "Automatic" will be the same as "Last Used".
-- 'Last Used': The Novell Client will remember the previously used state of the "Use NMAS for Windows Logon" check box.
-- 'Always': The "Use NMAS for Windows Logon" check box will be initially selected by default.
-- 'Never': The "Use NMAS for Windows Logon" check box will be initially de-selected by default.

Supported on: Novell Client 2 SP3

Use NMAS for Windows Logon Default

  1. Automatic
    Registry PathSOFTWARE\Novell\Login\Disconnected Login
    Value NameUse NMAS for Windows Logon Default
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. Last Used
    Registry PathSOFTWARE\Novell\Login\Disconnected Login
    Value NameUse NMAS for Windows Logon Default
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  3. Always
    Registry PathSOFTWARE\Novell\Login\Disconnected Login
    Value NameUse NMAS for Windows Logon Default
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  4. Never
    Registry PathSOFTWARE\Novell\Login\Disconnected Login
    Value NameUse NMAS for Windows Logon Default
    Value TypeREG_DWORD

Default is 'Automatic'.

novell client 2 sp3 for windows adm.admx

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