UNC Path Filter

Enables or disables the UNC Path Filter. Filters requests for UNC path resolution sent to the Client for Microsoft Networks (Microsoft redirector). When enabled, UNC path queries sent to the Microsoft redirector will first be filtered by the Novell Client to determine if the server name is known to be a Novell resource. If it is determined to be a Novell resource, the UNC path request will not be allowed to proceed to the Microsoft redirector. This can help avoid unnecessary delays caused by repeated failing attempts to access the Novell resource as though it might be a Windows server. Set to 0 to enable the UNC Path Filter, set to 4 to disable the UNC Path Filter.

Supported on: Novell Client 2 SP3

Registry PathSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NCUncFilter
Value NameStart
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Default is 'Off'.

novell client 2 sp3 for windows adm.admx

Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)