Force Last User Name

By default, the Novell Client populates the login username with the username of the last user who logged on to the machine. It is also possible, through the Novell Client "Last Logged On User" setting (or the Microsoft "DontDisplayLastUserName" policy, which is the same thing) to always display a blank username, instead of the last logged on user.

In some environments, neither of these options are desirable, and instead having a specific username always come up as the default username is desired. For example, a school may have a single username for all students, such as "student." As long as a student always logs in there no problem. But if a teacher logs in, the next student that logs in will be faced with the Credential Provider username field populated with the teacher's username.

Beginning with Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows (IR4), it is possible to configure the Novell Client such that a pre-defined username will be used to populate the "Username:" field when logging in.

Specify the username you want to always appear in the "Username" field.

This value specifies the Username, which can be used for either Computer only logon or Network logon. If this key is present, the defined Username will be displayed. If this key is not present, "Last Logged On Username" will be displayed.

In order for the ForceLastUserName policy to be used, the Novell Client "Last Logged On User" setting (and/or the Microsoft "DontDisplayLastUserName" policy, which is the same thing) must be set to ALLOW the last logged on user information to be displayed. In other words, if "DontDisplayLastUserName" / "Last Logged On User" is set to hide last logged-on user information, the last user will be hidden even if a ForceLastUserName policy is present.

See TID 7013447.

Supported on: Novell Client 2 SP3

Force Last User Name

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Novell\Login
Value Name
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value

novell client 2 sp3 for windows adm.admx

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Administrative Templates (Users)