Default printer selection rules

Setting the policy sets the rules for selecting the default printer in Google Chrome, overriding the default rules. Printer selection occurs the first time users try to print, when Google Chrome seeks a printer matching the specified attributes. In case of a less than perfect match, Google Chrome can be set to select any matching printer, depending on the order printers are discovered.

Leaving the policy unset or set to attributes for which there's no match means the built-in PDF printer is the default. If there's no PDF printer, Google Chrome defaults to none.

Printers connected to Google Cloud Print are considered "cloud", the rest of the printers are classified as "local".

Note: Omitting a field means all values match. For example, not specifying connectivity causes Print Preview to start discovery of all kinds of printers, "local" and "cloud". Regular expression patterns must follow the JavaScript RegExp syntax, and matches are case sensistive.
See for more information about schema and formatting.

Example value: { "kind": "cloud", "idPattern": ".*public", "namePattern": ".*Color" }

Supported on: At least Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 family

Default printer selection rules (The single-line field is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please start using the multi-line textbox below.)

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
Value NameDefaultPrinterSelection
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
Value NameDefaultPrinterSelection
Default Value


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Administrative Templates (Users)