Configure the location of the browser executable folder

This policy configures WebView2 applications to use the WebView2 Runtime in the specified path. The folder should contain the following files: msedgewebview2.exe, msedge.dll, and so on.

To set the value for the folder path, provide a Value name and Value pair. Set value name to the Application User Model ID or the executable file name. You can use the "*" wildcard as value name to apply to all applications.

Example value:

Name: *, Value: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime Redistributable 85.0.541.0 x64

Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 87, Windows 7 or later

Set value name to the Application User Model ID or the executable file name. You can use the "*" wildcard as value name to apply to all applications.

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebView2\BrowserExecutableFolder
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)