Enable Proactive Authentication (deprecated)

DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.

This policy is deprecated because it does not work independently of browser sign in. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 91. If you want to configure browser sign in, use the 'BrowserSignin' (Browser sign-in settings) policy.

Lets you configure whether to turn on Proactive Authentication in Microsoft Edge.

If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge tries to seamlessly authenticate to websites and services using the account which is signed-in to the browser.

If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge does not try to authenticate with websites or services using single sign-on (SSO). Authenticated experiences like the Enterprise New Tab Page will not work (e.g. recent and recommended Office documents will not be available).

If you don't configure this policy, Proactive Authentication is turned on.

Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 77, Windows 7 or later

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Value NameProactiveAuthEnabled
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)