Configure the Microsoft Edge new tab page experience (deprecated)

DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.

We are deprecating this policy because the new version of the enterprise new tab page no longer requires choosing between different content types. Instead, the content that is presented to the user can be controlled via the Microsoft 365 admin center. To get to the Microsoft 365 admin center, sign in at with your admin account. The policy will be made obsolete after Microsoft Edge version 90.

Lets you choose either the Microsoft News or Office 365 feed experience for the new tab page.

When you set this policy to 'News', users will see the Microsoft News feed experience on the new tab page.

When you set this policy to 'Office', users with an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in will see the Office 365 feed experience on the new tab page.

If you disable or don't configure this policy:

- Users with an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in are offered the Office 365 new tab page feed experience, as well as the standard new tab page feed experience.

- Users without an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in will see the standard new tab page experience.

If you configure this policy *and* the 'NewTabPageLocation' (Configure the new tab page URL) policy, 'NewTabPageLocation' has precedence.

Default setting: Disabled or not configured.

Policy options mapping:

* News (0) = Microsoft News feed experience

* Office (1) = Office 365 feed experience

Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.

Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 79, Windows 7 or later

New tab page experience

  1. Microsoft News feed experience
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
    Value NameNewTabPageSetFeedType
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. Office 365 feed experience
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
    Value NameNewTabPageSetFeedType
    Value TypeREG_DWORD


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)