Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account

Enable the use of Active Directory accounts for automatic sign in if your users' machines are Domain Joined and your environment is not hybrid joined. If you want users automatically signed in with their Azure Active Directory accounts instead, please Azure AD join (See for more information) or hybrid join (See for more information) your environment.

If you have configured the 'BrowserSignin' (Browser sign-in settings) policy to disabled, this policy will not take any effect.

If you enable this policy and set it to 'SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable', Microsoft Edge will automatically sign in users that are on domain joined machines using their Active Directory accounts.

If you set this policy to 'Disabled' or don't set it, Microsoft Edge will not automatically sign in users that are on domain joined machines with Active Directory accounts.

Policy options mapping:

* Disabled (0) = Disabled

* SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable (1) = Sign in and make domain account non-removable

Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.

Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 81, Windows 7 or later

Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account

  1. Disabled
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
    Value NameConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. Sign in and make domain account non-removable
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
    Value NameConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn
    Value TypeREG_DWORD


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)