Notify a user that a browser restart is recommended or required for pending updates
Notify users that they need to restart Microsoft Edge to apply a pending update.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge adds a recycle icon at the far right of the top menu bar to prompt users to restart the browser to apply the update.
If you enable this policy and set it to 'Recommended', a recurring warning prompts users that a restart is recommended. Users can dismiss this warning and defer the restart.
If you set the policy to 'Required', a recurring warning prompts users that the browser will be restarted automatically as soon as a notification period passes. The default period is seven days. You can configure this period with the 'RelaunchNotificationPeriod' (Set the time period for update notifications) policy.
The user's session is restored when the browser restarts.
Policy options mapping:
* Recommended (1) = Recommended - Show a recurring prompt to the user indicating that a restart is recommended
* Required (2) = Required - Show a recurring prompt to the user indicating that a restart is required
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 77, Windows 7 or later