Enable site isolation for specific origins

Specify origins to run in isolation, in their own process.

This policy also isolates origins named by subdomains - for example, specifying https://contoso.com/ will cause https://foo.contoso.com/ to be isolated as part of the https://contoso.com/ site.

If the policy is enabled, each of the named origins in a comma-separated list will run in its own process.

If you disable this policy, then both the 'IsolateOrigins' and 'SitePerProcess' features are disabled. Users can still enable 'IsolateOrigins' policy manually, via command line flags.

If you don't configure the policy, the user can change this setting.

Example value: https://contoso.com/,https://fabrikam.com/

Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 77, Windows 7 or later

Enable site isolation for specific origins

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Value NameIsolateOrigins
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)