Set new tab page quick links

By default, Microsoft Edge displays quick links on the new tab page from user-added shortcuts and top sites based on browsing history. With this policy, you can configure up to three quick link tiles on the new tab page, expressed as a JSON object:

[ { "url": "", "title": "Contoso Portal", "pinned": true/false }, ... ]

The 'url' field is required; 'title' and 'pinned' are optional. If 'title' is not provided, the URL is used as the default title. If 'pinned' is not provided, the default value is false.

Microsoft Edge presents these in the order listed, from left to right, with all pinned tiles displayed ahead of non-pinned tiles.

If the policy is set as mandatory, the 'pinned' field will be ignored and all tiles will be pinned. The tiles can't be deleted by the user and will always appear at the front of the quick links list.

If the policy is set as recommended, pinned tiles will remain in the list but the user has the ability to edit and delete them. Quick link tiles that aren't pinned behave like default top sites and are pushed off the list if other websites are visited more frequently. When applying non-pinned links via this policy to an existing browser profile, the links may not appear at all, depending on how they rank compared to the user's browsing history.

Example value:

"url": "",
"pinned": true,
"title": "Contoso Portal"
"url": "",
"title": "Fabrikam"

Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 79, Windows 7 or later

Set new tab page quick links

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
Value NameNewTabPageManagedQuickLinks
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)