Proxy settings

Configures the proxy settings for Microsoft Edge.

If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line.

If you don't configure this policy, users can choose their own proxy settings.

This policy overrides the following individual policies:

'ProxyMode' (Configure proxy server settings)
'ProxyPacUrl' (Set the proxy .pac file URL)
'ProxyServer' (Configure address or URL of proxy server)
'ProxyBypassList' (Configure proxy bypass rules)

Setting the 'ProxySettings' (Proxy settings) policy accepts the following fields:
* ProxyMode, which lets you specify the proxy server used by Microsoft Edge and prevents users from changing proxy settings
* ProxyPacUrl, a URL to a proxy .pac file
* ProxyServer, a URL for the proxy server
* ProxyBypassList, a list of proxy hosts that Microsoft Edge bypasses

For ProxyMode, if you choose the value:
* direct, a proxy is never used and all other fields are ignored.
* system, the systems's proxy is used and all other fields are ignored.
* auto_detect, all other fields are ignored.
* fixed_server, the ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList fields are used.
* pac_script, the ProxyPacUrl and ProxyBypassList fields are used.

For more detailed examples go to

Example value:

"ProxyMode": "direct",
"ProxyPacUrl": "",
"ProxyServer": "",
"ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/"

Compact example value:

{"ProxyMode": "direct", "ProxyPacUrl": "", "ProxyServer": "", "ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/"}

Supported on: Microsoft Edge version 77, Windows 7 or later

Proxy settings

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Value NameProxySettings
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)