Configure Slow link speed

Configures the threshold value at which Offline Files considers a network connection to be "slow". Any network speed below this value is considered to be slow.

When a connection is considered slow, Offline Files automatically adjust its behavior to avoid excessive synchronization traffic and will not automatically reconnect to a server when the presence of a server is detected.

If you enable this setting, you can configure the threshold value that will be used to determine a slow network connection.

If this setting is disabled or not configured, the default threshold value of 64,000 bps is used to determine if a network connection is considered to be slow.

Note: Use the following formula when entering the slow link value: [ bps / 100]. For example, if you want to set a threshold value of 128,000 bps, enter a value of 1280.

Supported on: Windows XP Professional only

Value entered is [ bps / 100 ] --> Example: 128,000bps, enter 1280


Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetCache
Value NameSlowLinkSpeed
Default Value640
Min Value
Max Value100000000


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)