Select when Preview Builds and Feature Updates are received

Enable this policy to specify when to receive Feature Updates.

Defer Updates | This enables devices to defer taking the next Feature Update available to your channel for up to 14 days for all the pre-release channels and up to 365 days for the Semi-Annual Channel. Or, if the device is updating from the Semi-Annual Channel, a version for the device to move to and/or stay on until the policy is updated or the device reaches end of service can be specified. Note: If you set both policies, the version specified will take precedence and the deferrals will not be in effect. Please see the Windows Release Information page for OS version information.

Pause Updates | To prevent Feature Updates from being received on their scheduled time, you can temporarily pause Feature Updates. The pause will remain in effect for 35 days from the specified start date or until the field is cleared (Quality Updates will still be offered).

Supported on: At least Windows 10 Server or Windows 10

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
Value NameDeferFeatureUpdates
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

How many days after a Feature Update is released would you like to defer the update before it is offered to the device?

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
Value NameDeferFeatureUpdatesPeriodInDays
Default Value0
Min Value0
Max Value365
Pause Preview Builds or Feature Updates starting:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
Value NamePauseFeatureUpdatesStartTime
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value

(format yyyy-mm-dd example: 2016-10-30)


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)