This settings controls whether Network Protection is allowed to be configured into block or audit mode on Windows Server.

Disabled (Default):
If Not Configured or Disabled, network protection is not allowed to be configured into block or audit mode on Windows Server.

If Enabled, administrators can control whether Network Protection is allowed to be configured into block or audit mode on Windows Server.
Note, that this configuration is dependent on the EnableNetworkProtection configuration. If this configuration is false, EnableNetworkProtection will be ignored, otherwise network protection will start on Windows Server depending on the value of EnableNetworkProtection.

Supported on: At least Windows Server, Windows 10 Version 1709

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Exploit Guard\Network Protection
Value NameAllowNetworkProtectionOnWinServer
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)