Configure the automatic timezone detection method
Unless the SystemTimezone policy turns off automatic time zone detection, then setting the policy outlines the automatic time zone detection method, which users can't change.
Setting the policy to:
* TimezoneAutomaticDetectionDisabled keeps automatic time zone detection off.
* TimezoneAutomaticDetectionIPOnly keeps automatic time zone detection on, using the IP-only method.
* TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendWiFiAccessPoints keeps automatic time zone detection on, continually sending the list of visible Wi-Fi access-points to the Geolocation API server for finer-grained time zone detection.
* TimezoneAutomaticDetectionSendAllLocationInfo keeps automatic time zone detection on, continually sending location information (such as Wi-Fi access points, reachable cell towers, GPS) to a server for the most fine-grained time zone detection.
If not set, set to Let users decide, or set to None, then users control automatic time zone detection using normal controls in chrome://settings.
Supported on: At least Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 family