Set the default screen magnifier type enabled on the login screen

Setting the policy to None turns screen magnification off at the sign-in screen.

If you set the policy, users can temporarily turn the screen magnifier on or off. When the sign-in screen reloads or stays idle for a minute, it reverts to its original state.

If not set, the screen magnifier is off at the sign-in screen. Users can turn it on any time, and its status on the sign-in screen persists across users.

Valid values: • 0 = Off • 1 = On • 2 = Docked magnifier on

Note: DeviceLoginScreenScreenMagnifierType overrides this policy if the former is specified.

Supported on: At least Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 family

Set the default screen magnifier type enabled on the login screen

  1. Screen magnifier disabled
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameDeviceLoginScreenDefaultScreenMagnifierType
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. Full-screen magnifier enabled
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameDeviceLoginScreenDefaultScreenMagnifierType
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  3. Docked magnifier enabled
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
    Value NameDeviceLoginScreenDefaultScreenMagnifierType
    Value TypeREG_DWORD


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)