חסום את הגישה לרשימה של כתובות האתר

This policy prevents the user from loading web pages from blacklisted URLs. The blacklist provides a list of URL patterns that specify which URLs will be blacklisted.

A URL pattern has to be formatted according to https://www.chromium.org/administrators/url-blacklist-filter-format.

Exceptions can be defined in the URL whitelist policy. These policies are limited to 1000 entries; subsequent entries will be ignored.

Note that it is not recommended to block internal 'chrome://*' URLs since this may lead to unexpected errors.

If this policy is not set no URL will be blacklisted in the browser.


חסום את הגישה לרשימה של כתובות האתר

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS\URLBlacklist
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


תבניות מנהליות (מחשבים)

תבניות מנהליות (משתמשים)