Tukuyin ang mga domain na pinapayagang i-access ang Google Apps

Enables Google Chrome's restricted log in feature in Google Apps and prevents users from changing this setting.

If you define this setting, the user will only be able to access
Google Apps (such as Gmail) using accounts from the specified domains.

This setting will NOT prevent the user from loging in on a managed device
that requires Google authentication. The user will still be allowed to
sign in to accounts from other domains, but they will receive an error
when trying to use Google Apps with those accounts.

If you leave this setting empty/not-configured, the user will be able to
access Google Apps with any account.

This policy causes the X-GoogApps-Allowed-Domains header to be appended to
all HTTP and HTTPS requests to all google.com domains, as described in

Users cannot change or override this setting.

Supported on: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Tukuyin ang mga domain na pinapayagang i-access ang Google Apps

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\Chrome
Value NameAllowedDomainsForApps
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)