Configure the Client PCoIP UDP port

Specifies the UDP client port that is used by software PCoIP clients, this can be manually configured or automatically determined by the client Operating System (OS). This setting applies to the client only.

To configure manually, enter both a UDP port and retry port range. The UDP port value specifies the base UDP port to use. The UDP port range value determines how many additional ports to try if the base port is not available. The range spans from the base port to the sum of the base port and port range. For example, if the base port is 50002 and the port range is 64, the range spans from 50002 to 50066. By default, the base port is 50002 and the port range is 64.

Checking 'Allow OS to automatically determine UDP port' instructs the client OS to ignore the manually set values and automatically choose a UDP port not in use by other programs.

Supported on: Undefined

Set a UDP port and the size of the retry range.

Choose a UDP port:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Teradici\Client\PCoIP\pcoip_admin
Value Namepcoip.client_udpport
Default Value50002
Min Value1025
Max Value65535
Set the size of the retry port range:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Teradici\Client\PCoIP\pcoip_admin
Value Namepcoip.client_udpport_range
Default Value64
Min Value0
Max Value64511
Allow OS to automatically determine UDP port
Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Teradici\Client\PCoIP\pcoip_admin
Value Namepcoip.client_use_os_udpport
Default Value0
True Value1
False Value0


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