Configure the required domain names for remote access clients

Configures the required client domain names that will be imposed on remote access clients and prevents users from changing it.

If this setting is enabled, then only clients from one of the specified domains can connect to the host.

If this setting is disabled or not set, then the default policy for the connection type is applied. For remote assistance, this allows clients from any domain to connect to the host; for anytime remote access, only the host owner can connect.

This setting will override RemoteAccessHostClientDomain, if present.

See also RemoteAccessHostDomainList.

Támogatott a következőn: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Configure the required domain names for remote access clients

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS\RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


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