ASSP-tagged header strings to match

Use this setting to define the message header strings that the toolbar will look for in incoming messages. Separate multiple strings with the '|' pipe character '|' (if a string contains a pipe, prefix it with a circumflex, thus: '^|').

If spam filing is enabled you must also enable this setting.

Common values for this setting are 'X-Assp-Spam: YES' or 'X-Assp-Spam-Reason: Bayesian spam' (without the quotes). Enable this setting and set it to empty if you wish to identify ASSP-tagged spam by subject only.

Supported on: Outlook XP or higher.

ASSP-tagged header strings to match:

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\FreeYourNet\ASSPToolbar
Value NameOutlookRuleHeaderStrings
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default ValueX-Assp-Spam: YES


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