Configure legacy RSA public key size

This policy setting allows you to configure whether Office displays a digital signature as legacy because of the number of RSA public key bits used in the digital signature.

If you enable this policy setting, you can specify the number of bits that Office treats as legacy in a digital signature. For example: 512, 768, etc.

If you don't configure this policy setting, Office won't treat any digital signatures as legacy because of the number of bits in the public key.

Enabling this policy causes the minimum RSA public key size to be the next largest option.

Supported on: At least Windows 7

  1. 0
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\common\signatures
    Value Namelegacyrsabits
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. 512
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\common\signatures
    Value Namelegacyrsabits
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  3. 768
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\common\signatures
    Value Namelegacyrsabits
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  4. 1024
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\common\signatures
    Value Namelegacyrsabits
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  5. 1536
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\common\signatures
    Value Namelegacyrsabits
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  6. 2048
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\common\signatures
    Value Namelegacyrsabits
    Value TypeREG_DWORD


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)