Set message format

This policy setting controls the default message format in Outlook.

If you do not configure this policy setting, new e-mail messages in Outlook are formatted as HTML.

If you enable this policy setting, you can set the default e-mail format in Outlook to HTML, Rich Text, or plain text. Users can choose a format other than the default when composing messages.

If you disable this policy setting, Outlook uses HTML as the default e-mail format and users will not be able to change it.

If you do not configure this policy setting, Outlook uses HTML as the default e-mail format, but users can choose a format other than the default when composing messages.

Supported on: At least Windows 7

Use the following format for e-mail messages:

  1. HTML
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\options\mail
    Value Nameeditorpreference
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. Rich Text
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\options\mail
    Value Nameeditorpreference
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  3. Plain Text
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry Pathsoftware\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\options\mail
    Value Nameeditorpreference
    Value TypeREG_DWORD


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)