Setting the policy to a list of strings means each string is passed to the alternative browser as separate command-line parameters. On Microsoft® Windows®, the parameters are joined with spaces. On macOS and Linux®, a parameter can have spaces and still be treated as a single parameter.
If an parameter contains ${url}, ${url} is replaced with the URL of the page to open. If no parameter contains ${url}, the URL is appended at the end of the command line.
Environment variables are expanded. On Microsoft® Windows®, %ABC% is replaced with the value of the ABC environment variable. On macOS and Linux®, ${ABC} is replaced with the value of the ABC environment variable.
Leaving the policy unset means only the URL is passed as a command-line parameter.
Example value:
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\AlternativeBrowserParameters |
Value Name | {number} |
Value Type | REG_SZ |
Default Value |