Blokuj dostęp do listy adresów URL

This policy prevents the user from loading web pages from blacklisted URLs. The blacklist provides a list of URL patterns that specify which URLs will be blacklisted.

A URL pattern has to be formatted according to

Exceptions can be defined in the URL whitelist policy. These policies are limited to 1000 entries; subsequent entries will be ignored.

Note that it is not recommended to block internal 'chrome://*' URLs since this may lead to unexpected errors.

If this policy is not set no URL will be blacklisted in the browser.

Obsługiwane na: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Blokuj dostęp do listy adresów URL

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLBlacklist
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Szablony administracyjne (Komputery)

Szablony administracyjne (Użytkownicy)