Show the Password Reset link

By default the Reset Password link on the logon screen is enabled. This enables users in organizations with Specops reset solutions to reset their password from Windows Logon Screen.

If set to enabled, or not configured, the "Reset Password..." link will be displayed if available, or depending on the value of 'Show Reset Password link even if connection to Active Directory can't be verified'.

If set to disabled, the "Reset Password..." link will never be displayed. This might be useful for organizations having Password Policy already implemented while trying out a Specops reset product, but only want to display the reset password link on certain computers.

Normally, there is no need to configure this setting.

Supported on: At least Windows Server 2003 operating systems or Windows XP Professional

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Specopssoft\uReset\Client\Settings
Value NameEnablePasswordResetLink
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)