Brugerens avatarbillede

This policy allows you to configure the avatar image representing the user on the login screen. The policy is set by specifying the URL from which Google Chrome OS can download the avatar image and a cryptographic hash used to verify the integrity of the download. The image must be in JPEG format, its size must not exceed 512kB. The URL must be accessible without any authentication.

The avatar image is downloaded and cached. It will be re-downloaded whenever the URL or the hash changes.

The policy should be specified as a string that expresses the URL and hash in JSON format, conforming to the following schema:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"url": {
"description": "The URL from which the avatar image can be downloaded.",
"type": "string"
"hash": {
"description": "The SHA-256 hash of the avatar image.",
"type": "string"

If this policy is set, Google Chrome OS will download and use the avatar image.

If you set this policy, users cannot change or override it.

If the policy is left not set, the user can choose the avatar image representing them on the login screen.

Understøttet på: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Brugerens avatarbillede

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\ChromeOS
Value NameUserAvatarImage
Default Value


Administrative skabeloner (computere)

Administrative skabeloner (brugere)