Always enable/disable accounts

If this setting is enabled then the option to enable accounts will be set and the user will not be able to change it, so accounts will always be enabled when the user resets an account.
If this setting is disabled then the option to disable accounts will always be set and the user will not be able to change it, so accounts will always be disabled when the user resets an account.
If this setting is set to Not Configured then the user can decide if they want to enable or disable accounts (or not change the account state at all) when they reset accounts.
NOTE: This policy is ignored if the policy named Remove Option To Enable/Disable Accounts has been enabled.

Supported on: At least AD Account Reset Tool version 1.4.3

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Cjwdev\AccountReset
Value NameForceEnable
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0
