Only pre load usernames from specific OU

NOTE: This policy only applies if the Pre Load Usernames policy has been enabled as well. If this setting is enabled then when the program loads usernames in to the username drop down box on launch, it will only load usernames from the specified OU (and sub OUs). The OU path should be specified in Distinguished Name format - e.g OU=Example Sub,OU=Example Parent,DC=domain,DC=local . You can find the distinguished name for a particular OU by using the Browse OU button in the options window of the AD Account Reset Tool.
If this setting is disabled or not configured, the setting that the user has configured in the options window will take effect.

Supported on: At least AD Account Reset Tool version 1.3.0

OU to load usernames from:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Cjwdev\AccountReset
Value NamePreloadUsernamesOu
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
