Backup warning occurrence

Enabled: Security Platform Users will be notified by a balloon, if the backup of user-specific credentials and keys has failed (for example, because the backup location is not accessible). Specify how often this notification should take place, e.g. every 2 days after the backup failure, until the next successfull backup.

Disabled: There is no notification of backup failure.

Default value: Users are notified daily.

Supported on:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Infineon\TPM Software
Value NameBackupWarningOccurrencePol
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Specify how often this notification should take place,

e.g. every 2 days after the backup failure,

until the next successfull backup.

Number of days:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Infineon\TPM Software
Value NameBackupWarningOccurrence
Default Value1
Min Value1
Max Value365
