Standard Tools Visibility

List of identifiers of standard tools with their visibility factors.
List is a string of elements separated by '|' character. Each element consists of two parts separated by ':'.
First part is an ID of tool and the second part - is the visibility factor. Possible factor values are:
0 - hide;
1 - show;
*:0|imagesToPDF:1|scanToPDF:1 - to show 'Create PDF from Images' and 'Scan to PDF' tools only.
The example list of standard tool IDs:
filesToPDF, imagesToPDF, scanToPDF, textToPDF, addWatermarks, addHeaderAndFooter, addBatesNumbering, addPagesBackground, cropPages, resizePages, rotatePages, ocrPages, extractPages, splitMergePDF, extractImagesFromPDF, pdfToImages, convertToPDFA, optimizePDF, securePDF, addDigSign, certifyPDF, addTimeStamp, overlayDoc.
Tip: to see identifiers of all existing Tools you may run the PDFXTools.exe with command line:
PDFXTools.exe /DumpTools "c:\PDFTools.txt"

Supported on: PDF-XChange Editor v5.5.312 or later

Enter list of identifiers of standard tools with their visibility factors.


Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Tracker Software\PDFXTools\6.0\General
Value Namet.StdToolsVisibility
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
