"Web Archive (*.mht)": The Publish command creates a Web Archive file. | "Web Page (*.htm)": The Publish command creates an HTML file. | "Default": The Publish command uses the default Web page format for publishing.
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\common\internet |
Value Name | publishformat |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Value | 2 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\common\internet |
Value Name | publishformat |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Value | 1 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_CURRENT_USER |
Registry Path | software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\common\internet |
Value Name | publishformat |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Value | 0 |