Configure proxy authentication
Use this policy to control the authentication mechanisms that the client uses when connecting to a proxy server. Authenticating proxy servers can be used to monitor data traffic in large network deployments.
In general, authentication is handled by the operating system but in some scenarios, the user may be provided with a specific user name and password. To prevent the user from being specifically prompted for these credentials, clear the "Prompt user for credentials" check box. This will force the client to attempt an anonymous connection. Alternatively, you can configure the client to connect using credentials passed to it by the Web Interface server, or these can be explicitly specified via Group Policy using the "Explicit user name" and "Explicit password" options.
In general NTLM proxy authentication will be performed under the control of the Domain Controller, and cannot be controlled by the client. Both client and proxy will need to be configured with the appropriate domain level trust relations.
Proxy authentication cannot be linked to the pass-through authentication feature of the client. In general, the proxy password will be unrelated to user's passwords.
Supported on: All Receiver supported platforms