Configure Traditional Chinese IME version

This policy setting controls the version of Microsoft IME.​

If you don't configure this policy setting, user can control IME version to use. The new Microsoft IME is on by default.​

If you enable this, user is not allowed to control IME version to use. The previous version of Microsoft IME is always selected.​

If you disable this, user is not allowed to control IME version to use. The new Microsoft IME is always selected.

This Policy setting applies only to Microsoft Traditional Chinese IME.

Note: Changes to this setting will not take effect until the user logs off.

Supported on: SUPPORTED_Windows_10_0_19H1

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\InputMethod\Settings\CHT
Value NameConfigureImeVersion
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)