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SoftMaker Office Professional
Configure the option "Template folder" (File | Options)
Here you can configure the template folder for PlanMaker.
Supported on:
At least Windows Vista
Registry Hive
Registry Path
SOFTWARE\Policies\SoftMaker\PlanMaker 2018
Value Name
Value Type
Default Value
Administrative Templates (Computers)
PlanMaker 2016
Ask for the user's name and business address upon the first start of PlanMaker
Ask for the user's name and home address upon the first start of PlanMaker
Configure creation of backup files
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the default file format
Configure the field "Business address: City"
Configure the field "Business address: Company"
Configure the field "Business address: Department"
Configure the field "Business address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Business address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Business address: First name"
Configure the field "Business address: Initials"
Configure the field "Business address: Last name"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Business address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Business address: Street"
Configure the field "Business address: Web site"
Configure the field "Home address: City"
Configure the field "Home address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Home address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Home address: First name"
Configure the field "Home address: Initials"
Configure the field "Home address: Last name"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Home address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Home address: Street"
Configure the field "Home address: Web site"
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the menu "Help > Manage License"
Configure the menu "Help > SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the option "After input, move selection" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Autocomplete cells" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Automatic percent input" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" during spell checking (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Calculation in status bar" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Thickness" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Check spelling as you type" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Decimal separator" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog style" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Document tabs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Formula tooltip" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "In-cell editing" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Left arrow key never exits cell editing" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Markers: Size" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number separators" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Paint grid behind cells" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Thousands separator" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use large icons" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Warning if a formula contains errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in Tools > Options
PlanMaker 2018
Configure creation of backup files
Configures if objects snap to cells.
Configures if objects snap to other objects.
Configures if the Quick Access toolbar is on a line separate from the document tabs.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default during regular editing.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default in full-screen mode.
Configures the snap tolerance of objects.
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Clean up backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the command "? | Manage License"
Configure the availability of the command "? | SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the default file format
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for PDF files
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "After input, move selection" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Autocomplete cells" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Automatic percent input" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" during spell checking (File | Options)
Configure the option "Calculation in status bar" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Thickness" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Check spelling as you type" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Decimal separator" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand tables automatically" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Formula tooltip" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Ignore words that start with a number" (File | Options)
Configure the option "In-cell editing" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Left arrow key never exits cell editing" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Markers: Size" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number separators" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Paint grid behind cells" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Thousands separator" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Touch mode" (File | Options | User interface)
Configure the option "Use ribbons" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Warning if a formula contains errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Worksheet tabs: Font size" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in File | Options
Presentations 2016
Configure creation of backup files
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the default file format
Configure the field "Business address: City"
Configure the field "Business address: Company"
Configure the field "Business address: Department"
Configure the field "Business address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Business address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Business address: First name"
Configure the field "Business address: Initials"
Configure the field "Business address: Last name"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Business address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Business address: Street"
Configure the field "Business address: Web site"
Configure the field "Home address: City"
Configure the field "Home address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Home address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Home address: First name"
Configure the field "Home address: Initials"
Configure the field "Home address: Last name"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Home address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Home address: Street"
Configure the field "Home address: Web site"
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for designs
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the menu "Help > Manage License"
Configure the menu "Help > SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Bullets folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Color mode" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog style" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Document tabs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Enable DirectX support" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Full-screen show mode: Display" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show formatted text in outline view" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show object boundaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show rulers" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use large icons" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in Tools > Options
Presentations 2018
Configure creation of backup files
Configures if the Quick Access toolbar is on a line separate from the document tabs.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default during regular editing.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default in full-screen mode.
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Clean up backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the command "? | Manage License"
Configure the availability of the command "? | SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the default file format
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for designs
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for PDF files
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Bullets folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Color mode" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Full-screen show mode: Display" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Ignore words that start with a number" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show formatted text in outline view" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show object boundaries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show rulers" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Touch mode" (File | Options | User interface)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Presenter mode"
Configure the option "Use ribbons" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in File | Options
SoftMaker Office 2016
Set the SoftMaker Office 2016 product key
SoftMaker Office 2018
Ask for the user's name and address upon the first start of TextMaker or PlanMaker
Configure if the command ? | Manage license is visible
Configure if the command ? | SoftMaker web site is visible
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the field "User address: Address 1"
Configure the field "User address: Address 2"
Configure the field "User address: City"
Configure the field "User address: Company"
Configure the field "User address: Department"
Configure the field "User address: E-mail address #1"
Configure the field "User address: E-mail address #2"
Configure the field "User address: Fax number"
Configure the field "User address: Initials"
Configure the field "User address: Name"
Configure the field "User address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "User address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "User address: Phone number #3"
Configure the field "User address: Postal code"
Configure the field "User address: Title"
Configure the field "User address: Web site"
Configure the option "Dialog language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "User interface" (File | Options)
Set the SoftMaker Office 2018 product key
TextMaker 2016
Ask for the user's name and business address upon the first start of TextMaker
Ask for the user's name and home address upon the first start of TextMaker
Configure creation of backup files
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Duden Korrektor options" (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the default file format
Configure the field "Business address: City"
Configure the field "Business address: Company"
Configure the field "Business address: Department"
Configure the field "Business address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Business address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Business address: First name"
Configure the field "Business address: Initials"
Configure the field "Business address: Last name"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Business address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Business address: Street"
Configure the field "Business address: Web site"
Configure the field "Home address: City"
Configure the field "Home address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Home address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Home address: First name"
Configure the field "Home address: Initials"
Configure the field "Home address: Last name"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Home address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Home address: Street"
Configure the field "Home address: Web site"
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the menu "Help > Manage License"
Configure the menu "Help > SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Arabic digits" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog style" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Display warning when saving documents in text format" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Document tabs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Frame guidelines" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Guides" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Horizontal ruler" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "OLE object guidelines" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Overflow mark" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "PageBorders" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Return to the last editing position when a document has been opened" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Set left and first-line indent with Tab and Backspace keys" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show grid" (Object > Guides and Grid)
Configure the option "Show multiple pages side by side" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Table guidelines" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German hyphenation" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German spell-checking" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor grammar-checking for German language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use large icons" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Vertical ruler" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Wrap text to window (in continuous and outline view)" (Tools > Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in Tools > Options
TextMaker 2018
Configure creation of backup files
Configures if the Quick Access toolbar is on a line separate from the document tabs.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default during regular editing.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default in full-screen mode.
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Clean up backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Duden Korrektor options" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the command "? | Manage License"
Configure the availability of the command "? | SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the default file format
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for PDF files
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Arabic digits" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Display warning when saving documents in text format" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Frame guidelines" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Grammar-checking color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Grammar-checking color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Guides" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Horizontal ruler" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Ignore words that start with a number" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (File | Options)
Configure the option "OLE object guidelines" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Overflow mark" (File | Options)
Configure the option "PageBorders" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Return to the last editing position when a document has been opened" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Set left and first-line indent with Tab and Backspace keys" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show grid" (Layout | Guides and Grid)
Configure the option "Show multiple pages side by side" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Table guidelines" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Touch mode" (File | Options | User interface)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German hyphenation" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German spell-checking" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor grammar-checking for German language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use ribbons" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Vertical ruler" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Wrap text to window (in continuous and outline view)" (File | Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in File | Options
Administrative Templates (Users)
PlanMaker 2016
Ask for the user's name and business address upon the first start of PlanMaker
Ask for the user's name and home address upon the first start of PlanMaker
Configure creation of backup files
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the default file format
Configure the field "Business address: City"
Configure the field "Business address: Company"
Configure the field "Business address: Department"
Configure the field "Business address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Business address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Business address: First name"
Configure the field "Business address: Initials"
Configure the field "Business address: Last name"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Business address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Business address: Street"
Configure the field "Business address: Web site"
Configure the field "Home address: City"
Configure the field "Home address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Home address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Home address: First name"
Configure the field "Home address: Initials"
Configure the field "Home address: Last name"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Home address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Home address: Street"
Configure the field "Home address: Web site"
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the menu "Help > Manage License"
Configure the menu "Help > SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the option "After input, move selection" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Autocomplete cells" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Automatic percent input" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" during spell checking (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Calculation in status bar" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Thickness" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Check spelling as you type" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Decimal separator" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog style" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Document tabs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Formula tooltip" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "In-cell editing" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Left arrow key never exits cell editing" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Markers: Size" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number separators" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Paint grid behind cells" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Thousands separator" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use large icons" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Warning if a formula contains errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in Tools > Options
PlanMaker 2018
Configure creation of backup files
Configures if objects snap to cells.
Configures if objects snap to other objects.
Configures if the Quick Access toolbar is on a line separate from the document tabs.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default during regular editing.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default in full-screen mode.
Configures the snap tolerance of objects.
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Clean up backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the command "? | Manage License"
Configure the availability of the command "? | SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the default file format
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for PDF files
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "After input, move selection" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Autocomplete cells" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Automatic percent input" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" during spell checking (File | Options)
Configure the option "Calculation in status bar" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Color" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Cell marker: Thickness" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Check spelling as you type" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Decimal separator" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand tables automatically" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Formula tooltip" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Ignore words that start with a number" (File | Options)
Configure the option "In-cell editing" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Left arrow key never exits cell editing" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of comment markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Marker: Color of protection markers" (toggle between automatic and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Markers: Size" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number separators" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Paint grid behind cells" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Thousands separator" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Touch mode" (File | Options | User interface)
Configure the option "Use ribbons" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Warning if a formula contains errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Worksheet tabs: Font size" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in File | Options
Presentations 2016
Configure creation of backup files
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the default file format
Configure the field "Business address: City"
Configure the field "Business address: Company"
Configure the field "Business address: Department"
Configure the field "Business address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Business address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Business address: First name"
Configure the field "Business address: Initials"
Configure the field "Business address: Last name"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Business address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Business address: Street"
Configure the field "Business address: Web site"
Configure the field "Home address: City"
Configure the field "Home address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Home address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Home address: First name"
Configure the field "Home address: Initials"
Configure the field "Home address: Last name"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Home address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Home address: Street"
Configure the field "Home address: Web site"
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for designs
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the menu "Help > Manage License"
Configure the menu "Help > SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Bullets folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Color mode" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog style" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Document tabs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Enable DirectX support" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Full-screen show mode: Display" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show formatted text in outline view" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show object boundaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show rulers" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use large icons" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in Tools > Options
Presentations 2018
Configure creation of backup files
Configures if the Quick Access toolbar is on a line separate from the document tabs.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default during regular editing.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default in full-screen mode.
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Clean up backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the command "? | Manage License"
Configure the availability of the command "? | SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the default file format
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for designs
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for PDF files
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Bullets folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Color mode" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Full-screen show mode: Display" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Ignore words that start with a number" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show formatted text in outline view" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show object boundaries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show rulers" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Touch mode" (File | Options | User interface)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Presenter mode"
Configure the option "Use ribbons" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in File | Options
SoftMaker Office 2016
Set the SoftMaker Office 2016 product key
SoftMaker Office 2018
Ask for the user's name and address upon the first start of TextMaker or PlanMaker
Configure if the command ? | Manage license is visible
Configure if the command ? | SoftMaker web site is visible
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the field "User address: Address 1"
Configure the field "User address: Address 2"
Configure the field "User address: City"
Configure the field "User address: Company"
Configure the field "User address: Department"
Configure the field "User address: E-mail address #1"
Configure the field "User address: E-mail address #2"
Configure the field "User address: Fax number"
Configure the field "User address: Initials"
Configure the field "User address: Name"
Configure the field "User address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "User address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "User address: Phone number #3"
Configure the field "User address: Postal code"
Configure the field "User address: Title"
Configure the field "User address: Web site"
Configure the option "Dialog language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "User interface" (File | Options)
Set the SoftMaker Office 2018 product key
TextMaker 2016
Ask for the user's name and business address upon the first start of TextMaker
Ask for the user's name and home address upon the first start of TextMaker
Configure creation of backup files
Configure the automatic update checker
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Duden Korrektor options" (Tools > Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the default file format
Configure the field "Business address: City"
Configure the field "Business address: Company"
Configure the field "Business address: Department"
Configure the field "Business address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Business address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Business address: First name"
Configure the field "Business address: Initials"
Configure the field "Business address: Last name"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Business address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Business address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Business address: Street"
Configure the field "Business address: Web site"
Configure the field "Home address: City"
Configure the field "Home address: E-mail address"
Configure the field "Home address: Fax number"
Configure the field "Home address: First name"
Configure the field "Home address: Initials"
Configure the field "Home address: Last name"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #1"
Configure the field "Home address: Phone number #2"
Configure the field "Home address: Postal code"
Configure the field "Home address: Street"
Configure the field "Home address: Web site"
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the menu "Help > Manage License"
Configure the menu "Help > SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Arabic digits" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Dialog style" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Display warning when saving documents in text format" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Document tabs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Frame guidelines" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Guides" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Horizontal ruler" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "OLE object guidelines" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Overflow mark" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "PageBorders" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Return to the last editing position when a document has been opened" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Set left and first-line indent with Tab and Backspace keys" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show grid" (Object > Guides and Grid)
Configure the option "Show multiple pages side by side" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Table guidelines" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German hyphenation" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German spell-checking" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor grammar-checking for German language" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use large icons" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Vertical ruler" (Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; Tools > Options)
Configure the option "Wrap text to window (in continuous and outline view)" (Tools > Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in Tools > Options
TextMaker 2018
Configure creation of backup files
Configures if the Quick Access toolbar is on a line separate from the document tabs.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default during regular editing.
Configures if the ribbon should be hidden by default in full-screen mode.
Configure the availability of the button "Associate files" and the related checkbox (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Clean up backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Duden Korrektor options" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the button "Hunspell dictionaries" (File | Options)
Configure the availability of the command "? | Manage License"
Configure the availability of the command "? | SoftMaker Web site"
Configure the default file format
Configure the folder for databases
Configure the folder for documents
Configure the folder for macros
Configure the folder for PDF files
Configure the folder for pictures
Configure the interval in minutes for "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Add or remove spaces when pasting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Apply character formatting to entire words" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Arabic digits" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Auto recovery: Save state every" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Beep on errors" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Capitalize first letter of sentences" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Compress pictures in memory" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Correct first Wo UPpercase LEtters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Default language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Display warning when saving documents in text format" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Expand SmartText entries" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Arabic text" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Extended support for Asian fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Folder for backup files" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Format URLs as hyperlinks" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Frame guidelines" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Grammar-checking color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Grammar-checking color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Guides" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Horizontal ruler" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Ignore words that start with a number" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Insert frames and drawings immediately" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Limit internal picture cache" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Live Preview" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Maximum number of undo steps" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Number of backup files per document" (File | Options)
Configure the option "OLE object guidelines" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Overflow mark" (File | Options)
Configure the option "PageBorders" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Prompt for summary information when saving" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Recently used files in File menu" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Return to the last editing position when a document has been opened" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Horizontal" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Scrollbars: Vertical" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Select whole words when selecting" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Set left and first-line indent with Tab and Backspace keys" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show fonts in font list" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show grid" (Layout | Guides and Grid)
Configure the option "Show multiple pages side by side" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show tooltips" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Show unprintable characters" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smart quotes" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of pictures" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Smooth edges of screen fonts" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Spell-checking color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Superscript ordinal numbers" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Table guidelines" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Template folder" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Touch mode" (File | Options | User interface)
Configure the option "Underline 'old' German spelling in blue" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use background spell-checking" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German hyphenation" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor for German spell-checking" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use Duden Korrektor grammar-checking for German language" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use ribbons" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Use system file dialogs" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Vertical ruler" (File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (set the color; File | Options)
Configure the option "Workspace color" (toggle between standard and user-defined; File | Options)
Configure the option "Wrap text to window (in continuous and outline view)" (File | Options)
Configure the visibility of the property sheet "Fonts" in File | Options
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