Enable Active Directory Admin Override Extensions

When this policy is enabled, the 'Screen Pass unlock' right (an Active Directory extended right) is used as one method of determining if a proposed Admin ID can unlock another user's login session. For this policy to be effective, the Screen Pass Unlock right must be added to the directory. Administrators can do so using the Screen Pass extended right tool.\n\nOther methods of determining Admin override permission (such as membership in the 'Screen Pass' group, 'paired groups', or standard Domain Admin rights) still apply whether or not this policy is enabled.

Supported on: At least Windows 2000

  1. Enable ADS Admin Override Extensions
    Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Birch Grove\Screen Pass\Admin6
    Value NameEnableADAdminOverrideExtensions
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
  2. Do NOT enable extensions
    Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Birch Grove\Screen Pass\Admin6
    Value NameEnableADAdminOverrideExtensions
    Value TypeREG_DWORD
