Determines which Screen Pass events will be recorded. The numeric value is a bitwise sum of the event types. (Lock=1, Unlock=2, Failed password=4, Admin override=8, Failed override=16, Auto logout=32, Logon=64, and Logoff=128.) Simply add the numbers for the events you want to record. To turn all events on set the value to 255. To turn event logging off, set the value to 0.
The Destination field determines where the events will be stored. Choices are the Windows event log (on a local or a remote computer), a comma delimited text file, or a dataset accessible through ODBC.
The "Computer name" field determines the location of the Windows event log, if that destination type is selected. The "Text file" field determines the location of the text file, if that destination type is selected. UNC paths are acceptable. If no filename is specified events are stored in "ScreenPass6.log" in the Windows directory. The remaining fields are used to connect to an ODBC data set. The password is stored in the registry without encryption. If the DSN is not password protected, a blank password field is acceptable. If both the user ID and the password are left blank, Screen Pass uses the credentials of the current workstation user.
See the Screen Pass tech support website for sample database files.
Supported on: At least Windows 2000